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Review - 100 days of Joe Biden with Michael Chertoff

Daniel Grice

100 days of Joe Biden with Michael Chertoff

Continuing our analysis of president Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office, the Conservative Friends of the Commonwealth has held another in-depth conversation with Michael Chertoff.

Michael has had a distinguished legal and political career, eventually becoming a United States third circuit court judge, a federal prosecutor and the second head of United States Homeland Security under President George Bush - co-authoring the Patriot Act. Since leaving political office he has also been involved in several projects for bipartisan security. While Michael has been a Republican supporter and worked for the Republican President George Bush, Chertoff was critical of President Trump's candidacy for the Republican party and endorsed his opponent the Democrat Hillary Clinton during the 2016 general elections.

Michael’s first point on Biden’s first 100 days was that the president’s main focus has been trying to increase the vaccination rate of the American population, eventually increasing the vaccination rate to 50%. He pointed out that President Biden must keep this steady progress increasing and also attempt to convince the anti-vaxxers who are either scared of the side effects of the vaccine or challenge the effectiveness of the vaccination itself. Michael also detailed how the real success of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout was due to the federal government’s responsibility to locate and approve vaccines and then develop them and distribute them to each individual state.

He then explained that the second major problem that the Biden administration is going to face coming out of the pandemic is a stark economic challenge. To this end, Michael also expressed a feeling that Biden’s economic policy was drifting rapidly towards the left.

This was just a small snippet of the conversation that CFOC had with Michael Chertoff, and if you’re interested to understand more about Michael’s opinions on the Biden administration, how the UK and US can help struggling nations resist Chinese intimidation and Joe Biden’s treatment of Russia, you watch the rest of the conversation on the CFOC YouTube channel or listen on Spotify.


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