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Our Mission


Our objective is to ensure that our interests in the Commonwealth are represented within the Conservative Party in the UK, as well as right of centre parties across the Commonwealth. CFOC is a member-led organisation with a deep network of patrons and supporters. We organise numerous events and seek to champion our shared commitment to democracy, prosperity, and individual liberty. 

Our aims are to: â€‹

  • Recognise the significance of the role of the Commonwealth and its values as part of Britain’s post-Brexit identity. 

  • Actively engage with Commonwealth institutions and diplomatic representatives of Commonwealth nations in the UK, remain in touch with the key issues that are important to them and highlight these issues at every opportunity. 

  • Celebrate the culture, diversity and shared history of the Commonwealth of Nations and its commitment to democratic traditions and institutions. 

  • Promote understanding of the successes of the Commonwealth and highlight the future importance of the Commonwealth in the UK and across the world. 

  • Holds events and campaigning activities throughout the year to give members an opportunity to get involved in the Conservative Party, listen to high profile speakers and meet Conservative Ministers and MPs. 

  • Grow our network of supporters throughout the country to demonstrate the Conservative Party’s commitment to the Commonwealth.

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